If you don't find an answer, feel free to reach out to me through the ConnectIQ "Contact Developer"-Link on the right.
By far MOST issues are caused by a bad Bluetooth-connection which is not in the circle of influence of a CIQ-app-developer.
- The installation hangs in ConnectIQ-app
- Settings are not saved in the CGM Connect-apps
- CGM Connect-apps display "BLE error", "P-2", "E-1 ... E-104" or "old"
I want to install, but it hangs during installing with ConnectIQ-app
Here is what usually helps:
- swipe out the ConnectIQ-app by the top of the screen, closing the app
- sync with Garmin Connect-app
- swipe out the Garmin Connect-app by the top of the screen, closing the app
- open Garmin Connect-app again
- open ConnectIQ-app again and check if the app is installed and ready to be configured or needs to be installed again
- if all that fails, restart your Garmin device (my Forerunner 735XT sometimes needs that treatment)
- it should not be necessary, but I've heard from users that when they finally restarted their phone it started to work again
I'm getting "BLE error", "P-2", "E-1 ... E-104" or "old" and it won't go away
Similar to the installation-issue, but without ConnectIQ:
- swipe out the Garmin Connect-app by the top of the screen, closing the app
- open Garmin Connect-app again
- sync with Garmin Connect-app
- if all that fails, restart your Garmin device (my Forerunner 735XT sometimes needs that treatment)
- it should not be necessary, but I've heard from users that when they finally restarted their phone it started to work again
I'm getting "P-430" or "no LLU credentials removing PW!"
You are seeing that message because the LibreLinkUp-server did not recognize your credentials. Can you verify, that you really are using the right password? As LibreLinkUp has stricter password rules than the normal Libre-account having the same password for both doesn't work for a lot of people. This mixup is actually the no1 issue!
If you are absolutely sure that you are using the correct credentials, please check that there are no leading or trailing whitespaces in the password or the username. Occasionally they sneak in, especially with copy&pasting.
430 appears if the LibreLinkUp-server is temporarily blocking you due to too many strange requests, e.g. requests with a wrong password. Usually that only lasts a few minutes.
Reseting the LibreLinkUp-password can be easily done in the LibreLinkUp-app under setting in Account-Info (I've been through that myself numerous times).
If you are having trouble with the watchface or datafield, install the app/widget! It uses the same method to get the data and evaluates your credentials almost instantly!
Message: "old"
The measurement received by the datafield is older than a 12 (watchface, widget) or 23 (datafield) Minutes. To avoid wrong conclusions, the datafield shows no value any more. Disabling "show age of measurement only if older than 6 Min" in the datafield settings lets you see the age of the last reading for any age.
The widget, watchface and datafield show that the phone is not connected
The Garmin Connect app is the gateway to the internet for your device. If that app is not running, your device can't access the internet. Make sure that the app is allowed to run in the background. This is how you enable it on your iPhone and this is how to enable it on your Android phone.
Why does the watchface/widget only display "old"/no recent value at night?
You probably have an Android phone and "Standy optimization at night" is enabled. This disables Bluetooth and you won't get any readings from your sensor and also not onto your watch.
You can disable that behaviour:
Settings->Battery->Battery optimization->Three vertical dots on upper right corner of screen->Advanced optimization->Disable "Sleep standby optimization"
Just make sure, that your phone has enough battery or is connected to a charger at night.
Can the watchface/datafield update more frequently than once per 5 Min?
No. The 5 Minute-restriction is enforced by the Garmin device and there is no sane way to circumvent that.
"System 7"/CIQ 5 devices (see here and filter for CIQ version 4.2.0) can update datafields more frequently (every 15s atm).
12/24H setting for the watchface
Please use your devices "System Settings". The watchface will use these and show whatever is configured there.
You can change this setting with:
Hold right bottom button > Clocks > Time > Time Format > 24 hr
My device can show glances, why does the widget not show a glance?
You have a watch that does not support "live view" in glances. As a developer I have no control over how long old data is shown here. To avoid any mistakes I've disabled the glance-feature for these watches. Sorry :-(
Can I use the same credentials for the Widget, Datafield and Watchface?
Yes, please do that! You also need to configure each app separately through the Connect IQ app as they don't share any data and each is standing alone.
I have a favourit watchface - can I display my glucose level there?
You need to check if your watchface supports "Complications" - if unsure, ask the developer. Then all you need is to install the Widget and enable "Complications" in the settings and configure your watchface to display the "CGM" Complication.
Can it trash my sensor/CGM-app?
No. The app is getting its data from web-services and has no possible way to interact with your app or sensor.
Are there plans to connect directly the watch and the sensor so no smartphone and internet connection is needed?
It is probably possible to pull that off (supersapiens has), but it will be extremly limiting. The watch has hard limits imposed by Garmin on how often things can be polled and it is probably not possible with a watchface to query the sensor at all. So battery lifetime would suffer severly.
In addition to that, the sensor can only pair to one device at a time, so a lot of switching of paired devices might happen. So while it is paired to the watch, either no data is uploaded to LibreLinkUp/LibreView or you open up the can of synchronizing from various devices.
How does it work?
Sensor → Smartphone → Libre 2/3 or Dexcom app → LibreLinkUp or Dexcom server → CGM Connect service → your Smartphone → ConnectIQ app → Garmin device
Message: no measurement via LibreLink yet
The CGM Connect app was able to log into your LibreLinkUp-account, but there are no measurements available yet. Most of the time, you need to open the LibreLinkUp-app once more to accept something before the data gets flowing.
Message: connect Libre with LLU
The CGM Connect app was able to log into your LibreLinkUp-account, but there is nobody that you are following. Please invite yourself in the LibreView/Libre2/3-app and accept that invitation in the LibreLinkUp-app.
This video (in english) shows you how to set up LibreLinkUp so that it can also be used with the CGM Connect apps.
Message: need SensorSN
The CGM Connect app was able to log into your LibreLinkUp-account, but you are following multiple people. As of now, the app can only follow one person and the currently active sensor serial number is used to find that person. You can find the sensor serial number on the packaging or in the LibreView/Libre2/3-app in "Info".
You only need to do that once! The Sensor-SN will be deleted from the ConnectIQ-settings after log-in.
Message: Datafield "no request yet" and countdown
The datafield has not yet sent a request to the server due to the delay between requests. The countdown shows you how many seconds until the next request will be made (either 15 or 300 seconds).
Message: login failed Check credentials?
You need to have at least one active follower that you share your readings with via Dexcom share. The credentials are the same that you use to login into the Dexcom mobile application - I understand that this does not have to be your email address.
If your username is a phone-number, try to substitute the "+" with "%2B" - I've been told that this made it work for some users.
If you are not sure, what your Dexcom username is, please check with Dexcom here.
Message: no data - you need min. 1 follower
You need to have at least one active follower so that the data gets uploaded. You can follow yourself.
If you are really sure that you have one follower and things are working for that follower, please check your username. There seems to be some confusion with Dexcom-accounts and a lot of people have multiple accounts.