Currently supported are Libre2/2+/3, Dexcom through Dexcom Share, Sibioncis via a dedicated follower account, xDrip on Android Phone/Juggluco and Nightscout.

NOT supported are:

  • Medtronic - though you can integrate it via Nightscout/xDrip+
  • Dexcom Stelo
  • InPen

Libre 2/2+/3/3+ via LibreLinkUp

The apps use LibreLinkUp (not to confuse with LibreView or the Libre2/3-appss) to access your data - think of them as another follower. Please install that app from Abbott on your phone and configure it.

LibreLinkUp-icon The LibreLinkUp-app has this red icon. Please make sure, that you can see your readings in LibreLinkUp before you configure the CGM Connect apps. This video (in english) shows you how to set up LibreLinkUp so that it can also be used with the CGM Connect apps.


LibreLinkUp has stricter password requirements than your Libre(View)-account. So having the same password for both accounts often does not work. Please keep that in mind!


When opening the LibreLinkUp-app, you should be able to see your current reading properly synced and a graph.

Dexcom via Dexcom Share

You need to have at least one follower in Dexcom Share. Please verify that it is working for the follower. The CGM Connect app expects your (the sharers) credentials. It should be the same username and password that you are using to sign into your Dexcom account.

If your username happens to be a phone-number (+1234567890) and login failes, try to replace "+" with "%2B" (%2B1234567890). I've been told that it helped users to log in.

xDrip on Android Phone/Juggluco

In xDrip you need to enable (see docs):

→ Hamburger Menu → Settings → Inter-app settings → xDrip Web Service and set it to "ON" Widget

In Juggluco you need to enable:

→ Settings → Webserver → Active CHECK

Just select "xDrip on phone" as device in the ConnectIQ-app. You need a dummy-user and a dummy-password. This can be anything. It won't be used, but ConnectIQ-settings are static, so it us not possible to demand settings for one device but not the other.

For both apps you should be able to see a page when you open on your device.

Sibionics via a dedicated follower-account


Use a dedicated follower-account. Sibionics-accounts can only ever be logged in at one app/device at a time. So you will be logged out with that account.

The trend is currently missing from the data. Right now, I'm not sure if it is even part of the data transfered. It is on my TODO-list to look into it.


The username is


the password has to be your {your-secret-token} or your API-secret. The app tries to access


You can try that in your browser. It should get you a list of your readings.